Below are the main data (indices, rates, statistics, metrics or reports) that can be obtained when sending an SMS message or a campaign.

Data of each SMS message sent available in the Historical account sendings:

  • Message status. Every message has a status that indicates in what way. moment or situation is in. That is, if it was processed, delivered to the recipient, or if any error occurred. You can get more information about the possible statuses and their meaning in Statuses of an SMS message.
  • Delivery confirmation. In the event that the message has been confirmed as delivered by the telephone operator of the destination country, it is possible to view and obtain a date / time in which the message has been delivered to the final mobile device (What are delivery confirmations?).
  • Delivery errors. It is also possible to obtain the reason and date / time when an error occurred when sending an SMS message (What errors can happen when sending SMS? ).
  • Number of clicks. In the event that the text of the message contains a link and meets the requirements to monitor clicks, it is possible to obtain the number of clicks produced on the link.
  • Information about each click. Also, if the link sent can be monitored, information and data can be obtained from each of the clicks and from the users such as the IP address, device, location, language, etc. More information n at What information is obtained from each click?.

Statistics of a SMS campaign (multiple sendings or bulk sendings):

  • Campaign metrics (section Campaigns). Any campaign has the main metrics that are:
    • Rate of messages delivered: percentage of messages confirmed as delivered on the end device by the telephone operator of the destination country.
    • Error rate: percentage of delivery errors over total messages sent.
    • Average confirmation time: average expressed in seconds from the sending of the messages until the delivery confirmation.
    • Average processing time: average expressed in seconds from the detection of the sending to the communication with the telephone operator of the destination country. That is, the process time period of the LabsMobile platform.
  • Message Statistics (section Message Statistics). It is possible to get a report for any campaign or group of messages (filtering by date or any other field). This report shows the following sections:
    • Message delivered rate
    • Error rate
    • Average confirmation time
    • Average process time
    • Click message rate
    • Average time to first click
    • Messages sent per month1
    • Messages sent per week1
    • Messages sent per day1
    • Messages sent per hour1
    • Messages sent by country1. Color chart on a world map.
    • Messages sent by sender1
    • Messages sent by status1
    • Messages sent by commitment1. Graph in the form of a conversion funnel based on the status and clicks of the messages.
    • Messages sent by tag1
    • Messages sent by account1
  • Click statistics (section Click Statistics).  It is possible to obtain a report of the clicks of any campaign or group of messages (filtering by date or any other field). This report shows the following sections:
    • Clicks per time interval
    • Clicks by country
    • Clicks by language
    • Clicks by device type
    • Clicks per browser
    • Clicks by operating system
  • Monitoring of web Landings (section Landings). The web landings created and customized on the LabsMobile platform can include a Google Tag Manager account (associated with a Google Analytics 4) to study the user behavior on the landing (visits, actions and most used buttons, bounce rate, user data, etc.).

1 These sections show a graph and a data table with the different metrics and rates (sent, confirmed, error rate, express confirmed, number of clicks, average confirmation time, credits) broken down by day, week, sender, country, account etc..